Leadership and Management

Senior Leadership Programme Apprenticeship Level 7 Apprenticeship England
Level 7 is certified by the Institute of Leadership and Management Programme Delivery The Level 7 programme is not about learning a few leadership tips. It is designed for those who want a cultural transformation of their workplace. This is not for the faint-hearted. You need to be brave, positive, open minded and committed to

Coaching Skills for Leaders and Managers
Course Details The ‘Coaching Skills for Leaders and Managers’ course aims to ensure that managers have the skills to coach their staff to higher performance in the workplace. On this course participants will share from experience, reflect on their practice, apply theory, and develop new practical skills. Learning Outcomes: By the end of the course,

MPA Faith-Based Leadership, Level 7 Apprenticeship (England)
The Faith-Based Leadership Degree Apprenticeship delivered by University of Birmingham, is a 2 year, part-time programme which can be completed on-long side your current work commitments. It is aimed at senior leaders and emerging senior leaders roles, that deal with faith-based issues as part of their everyday life The programme seeks to develop effective, leaders

First Line Management Development Programme, Level 3 Apprenticeship (England)
Diploma from the Institute of leadership and Management This level 3 Management Apprenticeship, has been specially designed by Happy Training for new and junior managers, enabling them to learn how to create teams based on trust and empowerment. The development programme is designed to create managers that create safe and enabling environments so teams can

Development Programme For Experienced Managers, Level 5 Apprenticeship (England)
Diploma from the Institute of Leadership and Management This level 5 Management Apprenticeship, has been specially designed by Happy training for experienced managers who want to become modern, empowering leaders. After completing the programme, you will understand when people work at their best and how to enable that. Programme Delivery This apprenticeship has been designed

Operational Departmental Manager, Level 5 Apprenticeship (England)
This Level 5 Apprenticeship delivered by Lifetime Training, has been designed to support managers to become strong and effective leaders. The programme teaches managers how to become agile and be ready to manage change and maximise every opportunity. It is an opportunity for individuals to learn and develop modern management skills, knowledge and behaviours which

Associate Project Manager Level 4 Including APM project management qualification (England)
Delivered By – Lifetime Training The Associate Project Manager Level 4 is for people who manage or lead projects within private, public or third sector organisations. Delegates may have some experience in project management and will be driven to improve their planning, organisation, leadership and communication skills. In addition to achieving your apprenticeship award, the

Older People’s Services – Leader in Adult Care, Level 5 Apprenticeship (England)
Course content To work in care is to make a positive difference to someone’s life when they are faced with physical, practical, social, emotional or intellectual challenges. Learning Outcomes Learning hours: 18 months

Effective Communication
Course Details The Effective Communication course aims to ensure that all managers have the skills to communicate effectively with their team and a wider audience. On this course participants will share experience, reflect on current practice and develop news skills, with the opportunity to practice in a safe environment and gain feedback on their effectiveness.