Introduction to Mission Studies   

Introduction to Mission Studies   

Introduction to Mission Studies   

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Course Details  

Mission has become an overused and undervalued word’ (Stephen Spencer)  

What does the word mission, or being missional, actually mean? If you’ve ever wondered about this question or have reflected on what it means to faithfully participate in God’s mission in the world, then the ‘Introduction to Mission Studies’ course is for you.   

During the week, the following topics will be covered:   

  • Theological and biblical perspectives on mission   

  • History of Christian mission and missions, including the concept of the missio Dei  

  • A deep-dive into each of the territorial mission priorities   

  • Theological reflection on various contemporary missional practices including social action, evangelism, chaplaincy and pioneer ministry.  

Learning Outcomes  

By the end of the week, delegates should be able to:  

  • Demonstrate an awareness of the biblical and theological rationale for missional engagement   

  • Describe, analyse and reflect upon the various aspects of mission to which God calls his Church   

  • Relate insights from the classroom to their own missional practice and ministry.   

Practical Information   

Days will usually be scheduled to finish at 5:00pm. The course is delivered via a variety of teaching and learning activities including lectures, group work, discussions and practical activities.   

A small amount of pre-reading may be required for this week. There is no formal assessment as part of the week, or any compulsory follow-up assignments.   

Who Should Apply?

This course is aimed at anyone involved in Christian mission as part of their role. This includes Employed Spiritual Leaders of local settings. Whilst there are no entry requirements for this week, and no prior study is required, potential delegates should be aware that the content is mapped to Level 4 of the National Framework of Qualifications.   

Course Facilitators: Callum McKenna and Andrea Vertigan  



Note: Costs for Learning and Development course programme are covered by departmental employee/officer levy payments. However, should an employee/officer book a place on a course but then subsequently fail to attend or complete the course, repayment of cost of the course will be charged to the department/appointment concerned (recoverable from the individual) (Policy CS04 Sect 6.5). Please note a separate process for funding approval exists for accredited programmes. 


Date and Time

Monday, May 12th 2025 at 09:30 to
Friday, May 16th 2025 at 12:30

Registration End Date

Monday, April 21st 2025

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