The emerging, competent, releasing, and transforming standards build on each other, helping to visualise what our next development steps might be

Holy Living

Making personal life choices guided by Scripture and prayer, being a faithful steward to God for who I am, including my gifts, time, tithe, possessions

I have regular times of prayer and Bible study to support and inform my understanding of holy living and being like Jesus. I am aware of the need to be a good steward of my resources for God’s service. I understand this impacts ‘care of creation’.


I proactively interpret and apply learning from Scripture, demonstrating the Fruit of the Spirit in everyday decisions in keeping with a holy life. I dedicate all I have to God, living simply, generously, and accountably.


I foster use of Scripture and prayer with groups to inform decision making, seeking God’s will not personal preference, being open to what the Holy Spirit reveals. I facilitate discussion on stewardship in support of spiritual disciplines.


I create a culture where discernment in decision making, listening to God, including through scripture and prayer, is foundational, celebrating a generous and faithful God.

Decision making

With awareness and confidence

I seek advice to make informed decisions and reflect on outcomes. I recognise my personal agendas and how this affects my decision-making.


I demonstrate decision making that balances opportunity, risk, reviewing and learning in alignment with Salvation Army values.


I create an environment that enables others to make decisions with confidence and without fear of failure, encouraging a systematic approach to assess competing views and priorities.


I model courage to make difficult and ethical decisions in ambiguous and unpredictable contexts.

Knowing my role    

Being responsible and being accountable to the mission priorities, holding in tension the privilege and joy of ministry with its cost and suffering

I know the mission priorities of The Salvation Army and recognise that I have a responsibility to make choices in line with these.


I demonstrate the responsibility and accountability my role requires in support of Salvation Army mission. I know the boundaries of my authority and step up to take it mindful not to overstep. I understand the joy of ministry alongside difficulties and sacrifices.


I model a maturity in my role that promotes confidence in others, supporting clarification of their own responsibilities.
I encourage others in ministry, progress, painful growth, and the practice of reframing challenges.


I shape a culture of mutual accountability and responsibility in fulfilling our mission demonstrating gratitude to God and hope for the future, openly sharing joys and difficulties, as appropriate, trusting in Gods’ faithfulness and calling.

Developing listening and discernment practices

To enhance our understanding and ability to listen, informing decision making, in line with God’s leading

I recognise the need to listen to the views of others. I engage with decision making as part of a group. I seek to discern the Holy Spirit’s leading.


I listen to understand, asking questions for clarification, using tools such as Faith-Based Facilitation personally and with groups, leading to more effective analysis, creative decisions, and positive outcomes.


I support others to develop discernment practices and discernment communities, investing in deeper relationships of unity and trust, towards decisions of greater wisdom, effectiveness, and faithfulness.


I promote a discernment culture listening to Christ our Head, championing forums to hear diverse perspectives, drawing together opposites, learning from dissonance, initiating new direction from creative tension.