We offer a number of Franklin Covey courses at William Booth College. These courses are run a few times a year each. If you are interested in applying, check below for which courses are currently available.

Course Details
Effective leaders consistently live the 4 Essential Roles of Leadership as the foundational framework for their leadership success. They Inspire Trust, Create Vision, Execute Strategy, and Coach Potential—and by so doing, engage their team to consistently help the organization achieve its most important results.
The purpose of The 4 Essential Roles of Leadership work session is to equip mid- to senior-level leaders with the essential mindsets and skillsets to lead more effectively. It was developed in response to extensive research conducted by FranklinCovey to identify what organizations will need from mid- to senior-level leaders over the next three to seven years, and is designed specifically to help leaders:
- Think BIG and adapt quickly.
- Develop and execute strategy.
- Coach and improve performance.
This work session helps leaders build these key skills from the inside out by ensuring they are credible and build a high-trust culture with their teams.
Learning Outcomes:
This course will help leaders discover how to:
- Build their leadership credibility and intentionally shape a team culture of trust.
- Create an inspiring team vision and a relevant strategy, providing meaning and direction for their team’s day-to-day work.
- Craft a compelling strategic narrative they can share with key stakeholders at all levels.
- Align key systems to their team’s strategy to make the core work processes easier.
- Follow the proven 4 Disciplines of Execution® process to consistently achieve their most important goals.
- Provide regular positive and instructive feedback to shape a high-trust team culture.
- Apply key coaching skills within the Coaching Framework to unleash their team’s potential.
Additional Information
Course Duration: 14 Hours
Pre-course Learning: You will engage in a pre-course self assessment of your own leadership to benchmark your development, this is not shared with others.
Other courses helpful for development: Servant Assertiveness, The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, The 5 Choices to Extraordinary Productivity, Project Management Essentials.
Who Should Apply:
Emerging and aspiring leaders, and those in mid to senior leadership positions.
Note: Should an employee/officer book a place on a course but then subsequently fail to attend or complete the course, repayment of cost of the course will be charged to the department/appointment concerned (recoverable from the individual) (Policy CS04 Sect 6.5).
£335 (Online)

Course Details
‘The 5 Choices to Extraordinary Productivity’ is not a one-time training event, but a process, carefully designed to bring people to dramatically higher levels of productivity in the areas of decision, attention, and energy management. Supported by science and years of experience, this solution not only produces a measurable increase in productivity, but also provides a renewed sense of engagement and accomplishment.
Learning Outcomes:
By the end of this course, delegates will:
- Learn how to better filter vitally important priorities from distraction so you can make a real contribution.
- Define your desired outcomes for your most important professional and personal roles to get motivated to achieve extraordinary results.
- Learn the planning systems that lead to you feeling more accomplished virtually every day.
- Create a “productivity engine” by optimizing (Outlook/Google/Lotus Notes).
- Implement the “5 Energy Drivers” to consistently recharge mental and physical energy.
Additional Information
Course Duration: 12 hours.
Learning Platform: Zoom.
Other courses helpful for development: Servant Assertiveness, The 7 Habits of highly effective people, Presentation Advantage, Project Management Essentials.
Who Should Apply?
Anyone who is look for an opportunity to improve their personal and professional effectiveness.
Note: Should an employee/officer book a place on a course but then subsequently fail to attend or complete the course, repayment of cost of the course will be charged to the department/appointment concerned (recoverable from the individual) (Policy CS04 Sect 6.5)
£317 (Online)

Course Details
This solution equips first-level leaders with the essential skills and tools to get work done with and through other people.
This course enables organisations to:
- Fast- track the development of emerging leaders
- Equip leaders with the basic skills and tools every manager needs but few receive
- Level-set leadership skills across an organization so that all managers use a common skillset and toolset
After attending this course, you will have 6 x 1:1 coaching sessions with an internal, accredited coach, through TSA’s Coaching programme. Your coach will partner with you as you take this learning forward and apply it in your role.Learning Outcomes:
By the end of this course, delegates will:
- Develop a leaders mindset
- Know how to hold regular 1-on-1’s
- Be able to set up their team to get results
- Create a culture of feedback in their teams
- Know how to lead a team through change
- Be able to manage their time and energy
Additional Information
Course Duration: 8 hours
Who Should Apply?
Anyone who is looking for an opportunity to improve their personal and professional effectiveness. This course is aimed at managers or aspiring managers who would like to develop or refresh their skills in leading others.
Note: Should an employee/officer book a place on a course but then subsequently fail to attend or complete the course, repayment of cost of the course will be charged to the department/appointment concerned (recoverable from the individual) (Policy CS04 Sect 6.5)
£592 (Residential)

Course Details
The ‘7 Habits of Highly Effective People’ course is considered to be one of the most impactful programmes for leadership, management and individual effectiveness. This world renowned course highlights how using its transformational principles can help you move towards a more effective and meaningful work and personal life.
You will learn how to take initiative, balance key priorities, improve interpersonal communication, build creative collaboration, and apply principles for achieving a more balanced life. This lively course includes opportunity for group discussion, personal reflection and putting the 7 Habits tools in to practice.
Learning Outcomes:
By the end of this course, delegates will:
• Focus and act on what can be controlled and influenced.
• Define clear measures of success and create a plan to achieve them for both life and work.
• Prioritise and achieve the most important goals.
• Be able to build high-trust relationships of mutual benefit.
Additional Information
Course Duration: 20 Hours
Pre-course Learning: You may like to familiarise yourself with a copy of the book ‘The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People’ by Stephen R. Covey for reference.
Other courses helpful for development: Servant Assertiveness, 5 Choices to Extraordinary Productivity, Project Management Essentials.
Note: This course requires self-directed learning between sessions.
Who Should Apply?
Anyone who is seeking for an opportunity to improve their personal and professional effectiveness.
Note: Should an employee/officer book a place on a course but then subsequently fail to attend or complete the course, repayment of cost of the course will be charged to the department/appointment concerned (recoverable from the individual) (Policy CS04 Sect 6.5).
£637 (Residential)

Course Details
Successful project management isn’t just about strategy and managing logistics. It’s about getting people to work together and volunteer their best efforts, especially when they don’t work directly for you. Real project success combines proven project management skills with proven people management skills to achieve consistent results.
Participants of this course discover a simple framework for strategy, as well as understanding how to implement the Four Foundational Behaviors that inspire team members to execute with excellence.
Utilising the All Access Pass with Covey, purchased by Learning and Development, this course offers a practical means to develop more effective project management to completion, using process and people techniques.
Learning Outcomes:
By the end of this course, delegates will be able to:
- Use an effective framework for leading and managing projects.
- Identify key stakeholders in a project.
- Create a risk management strategy.
- Create a project schedule.
- Monitor their project effectively.
Additional Information
Course Duration: 12 hours
Accommodation: Additional accommodation has been arranged from the 7th November as it is anticipated delegates will arrive the day before the course commences.
Who Should Apply:
All officers or employees with responsibility for regular or occasional project management.
Note: Should an employee/officer book a place on a course but then subsequently fail to attend or complete the course, repayment of cost of the course will be charged to the department/appointment concerned (recoverable from the individual) (Policy CS04 Sect 6.5).
£477 (Residential)