Missional Effectiveness – Achieving Results



The emerging, competent, releasing, and transforming standards build on each other, helping to visualise what our next development steps might be


People- focused service  

Seeking justice and reconciliation, responding to issues and concerns, loving others as the way of fulfilling our mission

I serve others empathetically, knowing when to refer to other support.


I prioritise service, engaging with and advocating for people’s needs. I keep people informed and seek feedback.


I advocate and negotiate effectively for people. I address service complaints, focusing on best outcomes for all.


I drive mission-led responsiveness to people needs, creating a culture of willing service. I advocate on matters of injustice, mindful of politics, income generation and reputation.

Strategic thinking

With a broad, long term, big picture view, planning for emerging internal and external issues, also responsive to more immediate changing situations

I contribute to planning, preparing for the future.


I plan strategically, identifying trends that could impact mission. I identify new information. I adapt in changing circumstances, and crisis situations.


I monitor broader trends that impact my context sharing insights with others so they can design, implement, and evaluate interventions. I manage complexity and foster innovation, supporting others to adapt.


I shape a systemic culture of effective adaptive leadership for long term viability, developing interventions to address and prepare for future risks.

Reflective practice, and continuous improvement, acknowledging results 

Through evidenced based evaluation, sharing lessons learned, recognising and appreciating people

I engage in reflection, learning to evaluate for improvement. I support and celebrate success with others.


I critically reflect for continuous improvement, correcting as appropriate, fulfilling Salvation Army data collection requirements to enable strategic overview and development. I give credit to those who have done good work. 


I encourage others to use appropriate models and tools, to question and evaluate, to continually improve. I celebrate teamwork, giving credit and encouraging further responsibility.


I instigate systems to encourage a reflective-practice approach, using surveys, analytics and insights which contribute to continuous improvement. I promote sharing of contributions, inspiring others through celebration of learning, innovation, growth, and effectiveness.