The emerging, competent, releasing, and transforming standards build on each other, helping to visualise what our next development steps might be

Nurturing disciples of Jesus

Facilitating spiritual formation, enabling people to identify their giftedness and their place within the body of Christ

I recognise how being discipled has shaped my faith and I engage in discipling others.


Though discipling I encourage deepening of faith relationships, shared fellowship, growing together, and stepping out together in taking faith filled risks, mindful that discipleship is critical for fruitful mission.


I model discipleship that multiplies discipleship, creatively engaging a broad audience, supporting, challenging, investing in and inspiring deepening spiritual formation.


I prioritize discipleship, building the body of Christ, where transformation is evident.

Accompanied development

Providing space with accredited practitioner, for support, safeguarding, accountability and development as appropriate

I recognize the need for formal coaching to support my ministry and spiritual leadership development.


I proactively engage with accredited pastoral/professional supervision, or spiritual direction, or coaching/mentoring, knowing the importance of accountability for my leadership practice. I refer others to appropriate services.


I use my skills to provide supervision, coaching, or mentoring to others.


I ensure effective supervision processes, contributing to healthy and safe environment for ministry and practice in my area of responsibility.

Wellbeing practice and pastoral responsibilities 

Committing to providing pastoral care and facilitating safety, wellbeing and resilience

I have strategies in place to manage my stress and understand the importance of personal wellbeing in relation to supporting others.


I provide pastoral care. I support the resilience of people in my context, mitigating and managing tensions. I signpost support, advocating for justice as necessary.


I support the wellbeing of others in managing expectations regarding work and ministry. I promote the missional and people benefits of wellbeing and the need for shared responsibility.


I engage people in creating a sustained culture of wellbeing, where the integration of wellbeing is part of missional strategy.

Overseeing people   

Giving support, supervision, resource, development, managing expectations, and mutual accountability

I recognise and learn from my own supervision experiences how I might support others.


I use a coaching style as I give oversight to individuals and teams. I facilitate and record regular performance and development reviews.


I support the setting and fulfilling of operational and personal objectives, advocating the need for continuous improvement, and tackling difficult issues. I delegate to and develop those who oversee on my behalf.


I promote culture of healthy and collaborative oversight, building engagement and effectiveness, noticing and addressing areas not in alignment.

Learning, development and talent investment

Creating opportunities for all, valuing potential, succession planning
Emerging Leader:

I offer constructive feedback, focusing on development opportunities.

Competent Leader:

I develop and stretch potential in individuals and teams through regular feedback, coaching, mentoring, delegation and other learning methods.

Releasing Leader:

I implement the development of individuals and teams, through talent investment and succession planning, reviewing staffing needs with missional objectives.

Transforming Leader:

I lead strategic talent management, encouraging retention and fostering a learning culture of flourishing and mission effectiveness.