The emerging, competent, releasing, and transforming standards build on each other, helping to visualise what our next development steps might be


Managing safety/risk 

Ensuring safe mission, safeguarding, and other statutory requirements are met   

I follow safety and safeguarding procedures, recognising their importance in caring for people.


I identify potential risks and threats and mitigate accordingly. I take responsibility for safeguarding and safe mission procedures, in an auditable manner. I demonstrate compliance to protect people.


I manage risks and threats and develop contingency plans to ensure safe environments. I support others to fulfil their responsibilities.


I create a culture where all are mindful of their part to embrace safe mission and safeguarding as contributing to fulness of life. I am alert to and pre-empt risks and threats to people and The Salvation Army.


Applying systems and processes, regularly reviewed and revised, based on values, which ensures the purpose, effectiveness, supervision, culture, and accountability of The Salvation Army

I understand the need to be transparent and accountable, acting fairly, using Salvation Army policies and values to guide me.


I demonstrate fair and effective stewardship. I review relevance and effectiveness of roles and practices in my remit. I manage resources and processes in alignment with purpose and priorities of The Salvation Army.


I promote opportunities for participation in decision making, use data as a source of analysis, ensure continuous improvement, and share information. I exercise governance that is values driven in fulfilling the mission.


I drive purpose, vision, culture, and values, leading collaboratively. I provide oversight in my context in accordance with Salvation Army and legal frameworks.

Responsible stewardship

Iin line with care for creation, for all that I am entrusted with, including people, administration, finances, property, resources, and technology

I use resources with integrity as I engage in mission and ministry. I understand the need for audit.


I demonstrate care and respect in the efficient use of resources, ensuring appropriate resourcing of people and mission. I respond to audit findings.


I resource others according to transparent criteria. I evaluate outcomes for sustainable management and use of resources. I reinforce high standards of financial probity.


I establish business practices to meet missional objectives, anticipating operational and capital needs. I locate appropriate funding. I maximise operational efficiency for overall effectiveness.